2020-2021 Editorial Calendar
Beauty can be defined in many ways. Over centuries, people argued about its true meaning. The Oxford dictionary defines it as “A combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.” The philosopher and teacher, Confucius, however, said that “Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it.” So what is beauty? Is it defined by the symmetry of your face, your age, color, race, gender, body shape, or weight? Or is it defined by what you see in the media or by popular culture? Or does it come from a person’s character? Offer your reflections about physical, spiritual, and visual beauty. Why beauty is important?
Our world is getting smaller. We can cross the globe in a matter of hours, whereas wireless information sharing makes it possible for news to reach people anywhere on Earth in a matter of seconds. And yet, our world is experiencing many problems. There are challenges out there that are not going to solve themselves. Action, unity, acceptance, compassion, forgiveness are just a few things that the world desperately needs. Reflect on current global issues and think about solutions. Write about human values such as kindness, love, or understanding. How can such values help the world? Offer your ideas on how we can make this world a better place.
Many of us have heard that— with the right amount of hard work, talent, and perseverance—“anything is possible”. Is that idea true or is it something we tell ourselves to feel better? How do we determine if our ideas are really possible or they are just wishful thinking? How do we make our desires come true? When you open your mind to possibilities, you are able to recognize that there are numerous choices available to you. Share some experiences that taught you that anything is possible; reflect on the “anything is possible” mindset. What can you do to gain awareness and expand your vision?
The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, which means grace, graciousness, or gratefulness. Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives. Grateful people acknowledge the goodness in their lives and recognize that goodness comes from outside themselves. How does gratitude help people connect to something larger than themselves as individuals —other people, nature, or a higher power? Why is it important to be grateful? How does this change people for the better? How do people express their gratitude in various cultures? How can people cultivate gratitude?
Our Philosophy:
Happy Children and Happy Parents
Empowering you to excel, utilizing 21st century skills — like communication, critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration — in thinking, writing, and presenting through Kids Standard Magazine.
Guidelines for Submissions:
Choose your own genre. (fiction or non-fiction)
Submissions should be proofed for spelling and grammar issues.
Word count — 750 words or less
Include your name, grade level, school, and state/country.
Format: Microsoft Word documents only. (Do not send PDF files.) If you are sending images, do not add them to the text document. Please send all images separately.
Email: [email protected]